Collaboration is Key

Working together to find opportunities and solutions

Ongoing discussions in our community help us identify gaps, needs and opportunities.  Solutions are often found through group discussions, even when the discussions happen on Zoom.

This year, we have continued to meet to discuss ways to support adults in our region.  This includes adult training and skills development, employment supports as well as other community services including financial and mental health supports.

Literacy Ontario Central South (LOCS) leads quarterly meetings called Literacy Service Plans or (LSPs) in the LOCS regions including Haliburton, City of Kawartha Lakes, Peterborough, Northumberland and Hastings.  Adult training providers, employment service providers as well as other community partners all come together to share updates, introduce new programs and brainstorm solutions to expand services and supports in our community.

LOCS is responsible for documenting these discussions, and then once a year, we write a report that draws on what we have learned.  We also gather statistics from training and employment service providers and Workforce Boards.  With this information we summarize the strengths, gaps and needs in each of the five communities in the LOCS region.  These reports are called Literacy Service Plans.  These reports are then used to work with the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development to set goals for the following year.

We have included copies of these reports below:

Hastings Literacy Service Plan

Northumberland Literacy Service Plan

Peterborough Literacy Service Plan

City of Kawartha Lakes Literacy Service Plan

Haliburton Literacy Service Plan

If you have questions or would like more information, contact Carrie Wakeford at

Funding provided by:

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Employment Ontario logo
Government of Ontario logo