Learning Networks of Ontario
In Ontario, there are 16 regional learning networks. Together, these 16 networks make up the Learning Networks of Ontario (LNO). Each network receives funding from the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development (MLITSD) as part of Employment Ontario (EO).
The Learning Networks of Ontario has representation in every region of Ontario. Learning Ontario Central South (LOCS) is one of the 16 Networks. The LOCS region includes City of Kawartha Lakes, Haliburton, Hastings, Northumberland and Peterborough counties.
LOCS is one of the three networks that make up the Eastern Region. The Eastern region includes Literacy Link Eastern Ontario (LLEO) and Rideau-Ottawa Valley Learning Network | Réseau d’apprentissage de la Valée Rideau-Ottawa (ROVLN | RAVRO).
Each member of the LNO provides support for the adult training programs in their region. The networks are also responsible for local service planning and coordination.
LNO members work together to share information and resources. They also gather information and assess data to help guide regional and provincial decisions. This information also helps the LNO identify trends and needs in adult training across the province. We work together on research projects, assessment development, curriculum development and the creation of marketing material. We also provide training for literacy practitioners across the province.
The LNO site includes many of the resources available including:
- Clear Writing Works! – an online training program
- Apprenticeship Connection – newsletter
To learn more about the LNO, please see our blog post “Training Programs – Ontario”.

The LNO also works closely with, and draws on the specialized support of our Provincial Support Organizations for Literacy (PSOL). These eleven organizations include:
- AlphaPlus
- Centre FORA
- Ningwakwe Learning Press
- Contact North | Contact Nord
- Coalition ontarienne de formation des adultes
- Deaf Literacy Initiative
- Ontario Native Literacy Coalition
- Laubach Literacy Ontario
- Community Literacy of Ontario
- Continuing Education School Board Administrators
- College Sector Committee for Adult Upgrading
Contact us for more information.